A skincare line designed with men in mind 

When I first moved to Miami Beach several years ago, I was expecting a lifestyle of beach days, pool parties, and non-stop nightlife. And while that certainly does exist, there is a big difference between visiting and living here. As a resident, I was blown away by everything else Miami had to offer- a thriving city filled with culture, diversity, and a booming professional landscape. As I met more and more locals, I started to recognize a few commonalities- most people take phenomenal care of themselves (skincare, diet, and exercise are all in top form); most people also perform at their peak level, whether in sport or professionally; and no matter how hot it gets, you can’t keep a Miami local indoors for too long! I realized that the people who live here recognize the true power of looking their best; that is, that it leads to feeling your best. And when you’re feeling your best, there is nothing you can’t do.

I developed Pierre Performance as a sort of love letter to Miami and the incredible people who call it home. Leveraging the expertise of award-winning dermatologists, I created a skincare line focused on combining highly effective natural ingredients such as seaweed extract, peppermint, and apricot oil, with powerful salicylic and glycolic acid. A skincare line that not only keeps you moisturized all day, but also blemish and shine free, despite unrelenting heat or other environmental conditions. Skincare that is designed for all men who want to perform at their highest level, no matter what it is that they are doing. You set high standards for yourself, so why shouldn’t you set those same standards for your skincare?

I invite you to try Pierre Performance and experience a bit of Miami Beach in a bottle. I know you’ll love it.

Yours Truly,